The Alta Major Chakra, often referred to as the ‘Mother of All Chakras,’ is an extraordinary energy center that plays a central role in our body and energy system. This chakra, located at the transition between the head and neck, opens up profound possibilities for spiritual development. It enables the transcendence of duality and the entry into the matrix, to free oneself from limitations such as dimensions.

My Personal Journey with the Alta Major Chakra

A few years ago, a client’s question about the Alta Major Chakra during an Akashic Reading ignited a spark of curiosity within me. This led me down a path of exploration that has since become a significant part of my spiritual practice.

The Significance of the Alta Major Chakra

Located at the base of the skull near the atlas vertebra, the Alta Major Chakra is considered a key to the matrix and deeper consciousness. It is closely linked to intuition, wisdom, and the connection to the cosmos and past lives. Here are some key aspects of this chakra:

  • Magic and Psychic Abilities: Through the Alta Major Chakra, one can access their inherent magical abilities and psychic gifts. Mastering all emotions is crucial to this process.
  • Accessing the Akashic Field: It offers a connection to the Akashic Field, the universal repository of all knowledge and information.
  • Breaking Free from the Matrix: This chakra serves as a portal to the matrix, allowing individuals to escape the confines of duality and dimensional limitations.

Harmonizing the Alta Major Chakra

To harmonize the Alta Major Chakra, the following methods can be beneficial:

  • Crystals: Amethyst, clear quartz, and smoky quartz are particularly useful for supporting and cleansing the energy of this chakra (more on this at the end of this article).
  • Sound Therapy: The sounds of singing bowls can help balance and harmonize the chakra.
  • Emotions and Feelings: Recognizing and releasing blockages through mindfulness of thoughts and feelings.
  • Connection to Nature: Spending time in nature can help balance the chakra and purify your system.
  • Meditation: Focused meditations on this chakra using a lying-eight symbol support harmonization.

Symptoms of an Imbalance

An imbalance in the Alta Major Chakra can manifest in various ways:

  • Physical symptoms: Headaches, sleep disturbances, neck and shoulder pain, neurological disorders.
  • Mental/Emotional symptoms: Disorientation, depression, anxiety disorders.

The Role of the Alta Major Chakra in the Current Energetic Landscape

Until August 2024, the energetic state of the Earth was such that many people would have had difficulty handling even a small opening of the Alta Major Chakra. The flood of information that energetically flows into our bodies can amplify blockages in the energy system and lead to physical symptoms, illnesses, and problems. Now, as energetic conditions are changing, we have the opportunity to slowly get to know this chakra and explore its profound possibilities.

The Alta Major Chakra can be the entry into other states of consciousness and communication with spirit beings.

The Alta Major Chakra is a key to the matrix of universal knowledge and offers us access to higher levels of consciousness and supernatural abilities. Through regular harmonization and awareness, we can harness its profound possibilities and develop our full potential.

A cleansed and open pineal gland is essential for the functioning of the Alta Major Chakra. Without this opening, complaints and blockages can increase.

Crystalls for the Alta Major Chakra

Wear the stones as a necklace or place the corresponding stone under your pillow


soothes and clarifies

Rock Crystal

cleanses and strengthens

Smoky Quartz

grounds and dissolves


protects from negative energies

Black Tourmaline

blocks harmful influences

Lava Stone

stabilizes and protects


A journey to activate and balance the Alta Major Chakra is a transformative experience. By understanding its significance and harnessing its power, you can unlock your full potential, break duality, exit the matrix, connect with higher consciousness, and experience profound spiritual growth.

Remember, the Alta Major Chakra is a powerful energy center that requires respect and caution. It is essential to approach this chakra with mindfulness and seek guidance from a qualified professional if needed.

To delve deeper into the Alta Major Chakra and explore its potential for your own spiritual journey, please feel free to contact me for a consultation or to schedule an appointment.

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